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Top 10 Activities for Kids at Home

Posted in Maple Bear Global on Friday, May 29th, 2020

Searching for some easy art, craft and fun DIY activities for kids at home, then just know you landed on the right place. If you have been home alone with a child and are running out of ideas to keep them engaged then please don’t pull out your hair instead scroll below to find the 10 best activities for kids to keep them engaged at home.

Number 10 –  Teach Your Child Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

Yoga is the most peaceful thing to practice. It strengthens the body and also facilitates in relaxing the mind. It certainly improves your flexibility and is great for posture building of young children. This one happens to be the best activities you will take up today as it will definitely work towards calming your child’s temperament issues like unnecessary rage

Number 9 –  Have a Bake-Off Challenge!

When it comes to indoor activities for kids, this might be one that is more personal and certainly fun. Kids are going to love it! Bake a cake or cupcakes and the best part decorating it. This activity is more than just learning and exploring how to do things in the kitchen, it is mainly about bonding and cherishing each other’s efforts. Plus, it develops a feeling of independence in children and helps in confidence building as they learn to do things on their own.

Make this activity even more fun by letting your dad be the judge if you are cooking with your mom or vice versa. Let the battle to become the next little master chef begin at home.

Number 8 – In-House Camping

This might require a little effort but it is definitely worth a try. No problem if you don’t have a pop-up tent, after all what are pillows and blankets for? Go as creative as you can to build with your kids the best fort camp and enjoy an ultimate camping experience without the mud and mosquitoes.

If you are not a fan of sending your child for an outdoor camp, you can certainly apply for  Maple Bear’s Online Summer Camp, a play and learning virtual experience for non-stop summer fun.

Number 7 – How about some Brain Games

Talking about indoor activities for kids, we have our number 7 that they will not only enjoy but also learn from.. Brain Teasers! Yes, you read that right. They are all over the internet aren’t they? So get your glasses on unless you have 6/6 eyes and scroll to find some of the best ones.

Brain Teasers are a type of mental exercise to boost overall brain activity and increase retention or in other words, your memory power.

We have one for you, let’s see if you can guess it right.

What is full of holes but can still hold water? Leave your answer in the comment section below.

Number 6 – Perform a Science Experiment 

Among all the top 10 activities for kids at home, this one is more focused on the scientific side of things. Someone rightly said that there is no greater teacher than curiosity and no better joy than the joy of discovery. Keeping that in mind get ready to help your kid out with some simple yet exciting experiments. How about you take up the floating and sinking activity? A great practical approach to make children predict or draw conclusions.

How? Children test various objects to identify the ones that will sink or float.

Why? This helps them in developing a scientific understanding which is important for a strong foundation for science.

Number 5 – DIY (Do It Yourself) Craft Activities

If you go to Maple Bear Canadian Pre-school page, you are probably going to find many results on things you can ‘Do It Yourself’ (DIY). Take time out to engage children in creating something on their own because let’s admit, there is no greater joy than building your own masterpiece. Pull out your old clothes, sock or scrap and help them create maybe clothes for their toys, a sock bunny or a robot from scrap, respectively.

The ideas you can come up with are as infinite as hair strands on your head. What are you waiting for? Start Now!

Number 4 – Board Games for the Bored!

Children become restless due to boredom and one of the activities that comes handy for all has to be a good board game. We are not talking Monopoly or cards but even the simplest of games like snakes and ladder or carrom can lift up your child’s mood.

Parents who seek to compliment every game with some underlying learning can always rely on chess and we all know the benefits of this mindful board game.

A small tip: some snacks with a board game is all you need to set the stage for a happy family time full of laughter.

Number 3 – Make a Gratitude Jar

The wisest activity for kids at home which will develop in them the quality of gratitude and thankfulness. Home is the right place to teach your child good habits and how about starting them by having a clear jar at home wherein children can put papers stating the things they are thankful for. Tell them to practice this everyday by having them put one chit everyday in the jar.

To make this activity even more interesting you can give them a thank you gift every week or month for being a wise kid.

Number 2 – Smart Art Activities

Pull out the rainbow and put in on the sheet! Well, talking of best indoor activities for kids and not mentioning something artistic won’t be justice. Thereby, let’s paint it out. Ask your little one to draw what he wants to become and the results will be satisfying.

Art activities are the best way of polishing your child’s gross motor skills and enhancing their physical development.

Number 1 – We kept the best for last! A Good-Deed, we call it.

Ending the list of best activities for kids at home with our most favourite one, ‘Perform a Good Deed’. Begin by doing something good for your family like helping out your mother with the everyday chores and spending time with your grandparents. Take time to thank your father for his support towards the family and his guidance. An act of kindness as little as providing a chilled refreshment to the gatekeeper or people working in this striking heat, goes a long way. How about we teach our children to start today?

This activity will help them in learning their civic responsibilities at a very early age.

If you are out of ideas then Maple Bear Canadian Preschool has a #MapleBearSeries that updates you about new activities for kids at home.

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