Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.

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The Decoder to Online Learning: Parents FAQ Sheet

Posted in Maple Bear Global on Wednesday, September 30th, 2020

Are Online Classes the right decision for a 3-year old? How much screen time is good for my Toddler? How do I make my child comfortable enough to sit through an online class? The State has banned online classes for Pre Primary. What alternative do I have to ensure learning continues?

If these questions are not letting you rest then don’t panic because we are here to help answer all your questions.

The pandemic has impacted us all in some way but the most affected is our younger generation that has been shunned from play-areas, interactions from the outside world and especially their freedom. It is commendable to see toddlers understanding the situation and accepting it but being at home without play and learning is not healthy for their childhood. Thereby, online classes could be the most ideal way for them to restore their activeness through play and interaction with their teachers and peers. Plus, it helps them in maintaining their routine and discipline as well as maintaining their mental health.

Now let’s get straight to some questions that parents need answered.

Are Online Classes the Right Decision for a 3-year Old?

If you have been asking this question then just know that online classes are not only the right decision but also the best you will make for your child. It is essential to keep them active, cheerful and engaged. Also, you will see them restore the routine and discipline that is somewhere lost in this lockdown phase.

Online classes help in maintaining the willingness in them to be back to school once the situation permits.

For a toddler online class is a portal to interact and see new faces while experiencing something different every day. It is a healthy way for them to continue learning and be a part of the daily interaction. Importantly, being able to see friends and feeling connected during online classes is what is imperative for them at this moment. Let’s broadly narrow it down to these three pointers.

Online Learning assists with:

  • Academic Continuity – ensuring that all learning done pre lockdown is maintained and groomed on for further development through assisted leaning and interactions with qualified Teachers. A systematic Learning Outcome driven curriculum is followed
  • Social Engagement – Children need social engagement for mental health and development and this is worked on furiously through our constant activities, games with teachers and peers. Moreover, children are actively engaged in formative lessons which keeps a focus on learning continuum.
  • Easy Transformation Back to School – Once schools reopen we will face a challenge getting children used to another change. They will need to be taught a new routine and discipline all over again and we need to ensure that it isn’t a complete shock. With the Online Classes a basic routine is in place and the learning can pick up where they left off

Can We Expect Toddlers to Sit Throughout the Online Lessons?

Well, online lessons may seem hard to conduct but that is where Maple Bear excels. There is continuous training with teachers on how to operate the technology to provide a smooth flow of learning in order to keep children engaged. Parents have been satisfied and happy to see kids take interest in the learning imparted from across the screen.

The time slots are divided into interactive sessions including stories with pictures and activity-based learning.

It is also important to realise small children take time and a routine to get used to anything new. As a parent some patience and care is required towards making the child adjust to a new routine. Continued repetition of the same activity daily will instil discipline and become a habit over time. We need to show perseverance and continue with counselling the child and increasing the time for the class slowly and steadily.

Let’s take a quick look at some other issues that parents are facing with the toddlers during the current scenario,

  • Managing work life while aiding child’s education
  • Difficulty in keeping them engaged at home
  • Changes in child’s behaviour and temperament
  • Unsure about child’s progress with online classes

How is Maple Bear helping?

  • Special sessions with parents are organized to guide them and make them understand the importance of their role in continuity of their child’s education
  • Apart from on-going sessions with parents we have parent packages to aid them further if managing online classes due to work is difficult for them. We train and equip them with ways, techniques and schedules they can follow to keep their child engaged every day on their own
  • As for managing a child’s behaviour, our online classes accommodate this factor well with children getting to connect with their peers and teachers on a daily basis. The online interactions are devised to keep them cheerful through the immersive play-based sessions
  • Uncertainty about the progress of child is another concern to many and does make sense. Fortunately, at Maple Bear we have a weekly assessment program to keep a check on every child’s growth with the online classes

Before you start, you need to have good knowledge of the above mentioned and fortunately Maple Bear representatives are available to assure you about everything you need to know before taking the first step towards your dream.

My State Doesn’t Allow Online Classes for Pre Primary Level.

Here’s where Maple Bear Canadian Pre School steps in with their innovative learning. Your child is our concern. We have introduced the concept of ‘Parent Packages’ for such States. It means empowering parents with the necessary information on methods and activities that they can take up with children to facilitate their learning at home. The Idea is to aid and equip them with all the necessary knowledge to help teach their children at home without a teacher. Best part is, the whole process and techniques are imparted to parents over a 30 minutes call with them twice a week. The weekly interaction with the teacher keeps a track on the learning developed in the week and how to customise the plan as per the child’s specific needs.

Is There a Need for Parent Packages for Parents Struggling to Manage Time with Work from Home?

The initiative of parent packages is backed up with the need of parents in mind. There are parents who at no circumstance would choose to neglect their child’s early childhood education. If you are struggling to make time for your child or do not have the luxury of multiple devices to cater to online learning, Parent Packages can provide a welcome solution. Connect with the teacher only twice a week for a duration of 30 minutes ensuring that the level of learning continues and makes your child confident and willing for the next level of schooling to come.
These packages are a way for those parents to provide their child with quality pre-primary education despite the ban on online classes in their respective states. In other words, it is a blessing for them in disguise.

How is the Change Impacting Teachers?

A question that we often forget to ask. The impact of the pandemic is collateral, meaning it has equally affected the institution as much as its teachers.

For teachers, the situation has been ‘different’, in the sense that they have never before operated the technology to interact with students. It is certainly a challenging (Change the word) task but commendable how every teacher at Maple Bear not only adopted the usage of technology but made sure to excel at it. They have been providing a smooth digital experience that is not only interactive but also immersive.

Is it Okay to Skip Preschool Education amid COVID-19?

No! The answer will always be no. Pre-primary education holds a prominent place in the child’s life. It is what builds the foundation for elementary school learning. Pre-school is where they develop social and emotional skills and are encouraged to think critically. Moreover, the child becomes more confident and willing for the next stage of education thereby it is a super important phase for them to develop a passion for life-long learning.

In times like these wherein the pandemic has restricted the kids from going out, parents feel resorting to no education over other possibilities. This however, is the absolute wrong approach for a child’s future, because giving up on their education altogether is no solution. Moreover, with online classes and parent packages children now have the facilities to learn from home and continue their education thereby providing a better choice for all.

How Much is Too Much Screen Time?

Before we begin, one should know that excess screen time is a serious issue. Staring into a screen for a longer duration of time can lead to computer vision syndrome, aka digital eye strain. It results in headaches, dry eyes, blurred or double vision and even irritated eyes.

According to WHO, children between the age group of three to five shouldn’t be exposed to more than an hour of screen time in a day. However, most children above that age are dependent on digital medium, for education and recreation. For them, parents should ideally make a balance schedule to limit screen time and expose them to different kinds of activities.

At Maple Bear we are well-versed in this context and thereby have a limited yet healthy screen time for toddlers’ holistic learning. Moreover, for all pre-primary classes, the timings are as per convenience.

How is Maple Bear Ensuring Child’s Engagement Back At Home?

Maple Bear Schools have a holistic curriculum that covers everything within the classroom learning time frame. However, now the scenario is different. The online classes are a great way for children to stay connected to the interactive engaging world of peers and teachers but that comprises only an hour of the entire day.

This is where the issue of engaging children back at home surfaced and that is when we stepped in to make a difference. We came up with engaging play-based and immersive activities during the online class as well as after. Children are given opportunities to work on art and craft to help them stay active throughout the day. Plus, Online /Web Sessions have been organised with parents to provide guidance in maintain a schedule for activities that children can take up to stay active.

Teachers and schools are available at all times to guide them as continuity in learning is our supreme goal along with maintaining balance of our children’s mental, physical and emotional health.

Online classes and parent packages are among the many great initiatives taken by Maple Bear to make sure that no child is made to sacrifice the crucial stage of early childhood learning. These efforts are being accepted and highly appreciated by parents across states and is in the best interest of all.

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